Studio Internazionale is a professional association among lawyers,
tax lawyers and chartered accountants specialized in providing high standard legal,
tax and corporate advisory services to Italian and foreign enterprises with the aim
to merge into a single firm all the consultancy needs of the client.
Also thanks to its membership in the ALLIOTT GROUP network (composed by lawyers, chartered accountants and financial advisors), Studio Internazionale acts jointly and in constant touch with foreign professionals in the most important economic areas all over the world.
Studio Internazionale offers its clients legal and tax assistance thanks to a professional organization structured in order to provide services to medium and big size enterprises.
To achieve its goals, Studio Internazionale is primarily focused on:
- the research of the best quality achievable in its services, in order to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the methods and procedures used by the firm;
- the attendance in research committees, conferences, masters degrees, and the publishing of articles in the specialized press, with the aim of pursuing exchange of views with other professionals and the Italian and foreign academic world in order to facilitate the development of ideas and the interpretation of a constantly changing legislation;
- the technical and cultural background of its professionals, through the creation of study and research teams composed by at least one partner and two associates, with professionals of both the legal and tax areas.